Our Educational Environments are Fun and Stimulating!

Limited spots available. Call now!

Outdoor Play Area

Keeping children healthy and active is essential, especially when the activity level of children is inhibited in the winter months. Children can play as heartily as they would on the playground! We encourage and arrange creative movement and larger-format play than classroom settings.

Language Learning

Youth is an advantage in language learning and we believe in giving children a foundation for later life that includes multi-lingual experiences. Children will be introduced to speaking and language concepts through interactive activities. Our curriculum includes French, Spanish and Chinese.

Location and its Legacy

The Cooper’s Corner schoolhouse has hundreds of years of history. Our building is the historic location of the first public school in New Rochelle, New York. It was established under the provisions of the Act of April 9th, 1795, the first public school law passed by the State of New York.